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It needs to be examined which improvement options, or combinations of them are the most potential under local conditions in the three agro-climatic zones, from technical, economic, social, political and environmental points of view. In this analysis the first part of this concept note on agriculture and development has to be kept in mind:

  • analysis of global food production needs, policies and market mechanisms;
  • analysis of possibilities to achieve overall food self sufficiency for the least developed countries and the implications for water management;
  • analysis of expectable changes in farming in the emerging countries and their possible impacts on water management needs (e.g. increase in double cropping, developments in mechanisation, etc.);
  • increasing low yields through improved water (and other inputs) management practices (storage and efficiency) in rainfed agriculture;
  • improving water efficiencies in irrigated systems, modernisation and expansion of such systems;
  • preventing crisis;
  • possibilities of virtual water trade in practice;
  • monitoring of evolutions;
  • financing aspects of measures.


An important activity in preparation of WWF5 will be to prepare a number of proposals to be discussed/agreed upon, illustrated by actions already undertaken and thoroughly analysed. Such proposals would have to be brought to the attention of the politicians to understand their need and implementation possibilities.