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Central Asian International Scientific-Practical Conference
“Climate change, water resources management, governance and capacity building issues in Central Asia”

Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 28-29 May 2008

The Third Regional Preparatory Meeting of the Fifth World Water Forum took place in Bishkek on 28-29 May 2008, with the participation of more than 200 people from 13 countries.

The meeting was hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Processing Industry of Kyrgyzstan, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Turkey, the Interstate Coordination Water Commission of Central Asia and the Global Water Partnership Central Asia and Caucasus.

Ministers from Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan attended to the meeting. Presentations were made by Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey, as well as by the representatives of the ICWC, EC IFAS, and regional offices of SDC, IWMI and ADB.

  • Climate change effect on water resources in Central Asia
  • Basin management and trans-boundary cooperation
  • Water resources governance (organizational aspects of efficient water management)
  • Capacity building and education
  • Water as the historical scene for the alliance of civilization

Roundtable meetings followed by many experts from the countries of the region sharing similar problems were fruitful and provided guidance for managing and protection of water resources to meet human and environmental needs. Many interesting ideas and comments have emerged in this context.