Bridging Divides for Water. This main theme underlines the geographical crossroads between Europe and Asia, the Middle
East and Africa, North and South, but also the conceptual barriers among various water
cultures, between rich and poor, between developed and developing regions of the world. The
concept of “bridging divides” also implies creating enhanced understanding and improved
information exchange between and amongst water users, decision makers, experts and water
practitioners, at local, national, regional and global levels. Building bridges for exchange
between these contrasting perspectives will provide an opportunity to rise above differences
and bring various stakeholders and sectors closer together. Finally, this theme also calls upon
the international water community to make concrete proposals so that better management of
the resource may contribute to achieving the entirety of the Millennium Development Goals.
The 5th World Water Forum will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 15 to 22 March 2009.
Web site of 5th World Water Forum