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Remarks on Chairperson’s Paper
“Water Management Adaptation Strategies for Global Changes, including Climate Change/Variability”
(The 5th World Water Forum Ministerial Process)

1. Generalization.

The document corresponds to a set of 165 recommendation items – varying as to the degrees of their relevance, acuteness, urgency that will hardly retain the attention of decision makers at the level of neither Heads of governments and sectors of economy nor senior officials of international global organizations. It would be more expedient to distribute specific actions ensuring water resources management adaptation by decision making levels which:

Then each of the audiences might find well-defined recommendations specifically designed for their attention – recommendations significantly less in numbers and more focused on vital issues enabling particular decision makers to grasp the essence of problems and identify the points at issue.

2. On the whole, it should be noted that though the document is called a strategic one there are few strategic issues in it.

In particular, it should be noted that the draftsmen have remitted their attention to one of the most significant water-related problems affecting water management strategies - the issue of global changes. Consequently, such global-scale developments as changes of prices on energy and food, susceptibility to financial crises, influence exerted upon water markets by private mega-companies are omitted from the list of major problems specified in par.6.

3. Concrete comments to the Theme I: Global Changes and Risk management.

4. The “Theme II is dedicated to Human Development towards the Millennium Development Goals”.

Of paramount importance for arid regions are: - “Element 2 – Water for Energy and Energy for Water” and “Element 3 – Water for Food Production”.

5. The Theme III: – Managing and Protecting Water Resources

6. The Theme IV: – Governance and Management.

7. The Theme V: – Finance

Para. 126 – Pricing strategy should be based on correlation of tariff and income as well as create the cross subsidies system.

8. The Theme VI: – Education, Knowledge and Capacity Development.