Archive for August 8, 2014

lemon 3 amazing reasons to add lemon to your water

Lemons have a plethora of positive health benefits. They are packed with vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium. To reap the health benefits of lemons simply add them to your water. Lemon juice can potentially wear down tooth enamel. In order to avoid this problem, simply dilute the lemon juice with lukewarm water.

Lose weight

One reason to add lemon juice to you water is to lose weight. Pectin fiber, present in lemons, helps fight hunger cravings. Lemon juice is also a digestive aid. It encourages the production of bile, which is what breaks down food during digestion. Drinking lemon water can also help keep your liver clean. This is important because the liver metabolizes fat and secretes bile. Together, these small advantages can help you lose weight over time. Read more