Let’s Go into Water: Tips for Pool Training

The whole world waiting for the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, and water sports will be one of the most spectacular. Instead of just sitting at the TV in the middle of summer, why not to set a personal record and not to get in good form? If you have already decided to join the pool, read carefully our recommendations, and your workouts will become much more productive.

How to choose a swimming pool?

Since we take the example of Olympians, and our goal is a serious workout, it is better to delete from the list relaxation options like water parks and bathing complexes.

Stop the choice on either specialized pools or pools at fitness centers. The last option is not always suitable, since bowl pools at gyms often have optional length and width combination and it will be more difficult to follow personal records. Besides, there often come people who manage to occupy the track and not to swim.

In actual sport pools, all the parameters are strictly regulated. Their length is 25 (in the slang of the swimmers, a «quarter») or 50 (Olympic «fifty dollars») meters and the width of the track ranges from 2,25 to 2,5 meters. No matter how well do you swim, be sure to ask if there’s a pool instructor who is constantly in the gym and can give the first aid. Note: optimal water temperature for training is 24-28°C, 26-29°C for recreational swimming, and 29-32°C for the children and relaxation classes.

What to take with you?

So, the ideal pool is found, and it is time to gather for the first training session. Don’t forget to buy a bag for the items made of synthetic fabric, which is difficult to wet and easy to dry. Otherwise you’ll have to hide a swimsuit and a towel in plastic bags each time. Don’t forget the set for shower: before the swim warm water warms up the muscles and after it washes away the residues of chlorinated water from the skin.

Cap. Reduces water resistance and protects the ears. For owners of long hair, it is a must have, as well as a hair dryer. Latex caps are from the last century, they rip the hair and get torn very quickly. Buy a silicone or a textile one, if you do not like when something compresses the head.

Glasses. Just watch out that they fit tightly to the eyes, not letting water flow, but not «sticking» – otherwise there is a risk to injure the eyes and skin around them. For those who has bad sight a special vision glasses, including interchangeable lenses, are produced.

Swimming trunks or swimsuit. It is obvious that they should be made of stretch material and tightly encircles the figure. For women we will advise to abandon the beach models and not to wear the bikini, it is better to choose a one-piece swimsuit.

Shoes. You can use any good-quality rubber slippers. The main thing is that they should never accumulate water. «Flip flops» with the only fixture between the toes even on the land it’s not very comfortable to wear, and in the pool there is a real risk to slip and to get seriously injured.

Watch. Precisely, the universal device for a good swimmer. It measures the traveled distance, pulse, burned calories, and even the number of strokes. Note that the gadget is not the cheapest one, but in some ways it is quite able to replace a personal trainer.

Swimming or water aerobics?

Certainly, swimming is one of the most beneficial and comfortable types of exercise. To get the maximum benefit, coaches advise to be constantly in the water for at least 40 minutes, swimming about a kilometer. But what about those who feel boring to wind meters on the track endlessly? The answer is simple – water aerobics. In these classes muscles are worked deeper, more calories are spent during one training session, and the risk of injury is significantly lower. Therefore, we can say that recently fitness «has gone under water».

If, previously, the water aerobics was similar to a simple morning exercises under water, now a set of exercises and an arsenal of necessary gadgets considerably increased. Let us consider the most popular.

Akvastep. The best choice for hiking or simulation on step machine. For practice you may need a special non-slip shoes and gloves that increase the resistance of the water. Stepping under the water, you will significantly increase the load, but the muscles after a workout will whine much less.

Akvanoodles. Gym, breathing exercises and coordination development in one. More precisely, in the same pool. A miracle effect is achieved with the help of exercises with an elastic stick. This device is indispensable also for children’s classes.

Bicycle under water. Fans of pedaling can not only simulate the appropriate movements, but also to engage on the underwater exercise bikes – provided that such equipment is in the pool. Such classes are especially useful for women who wish to adjust the figure.

Aquastretching and aquapilates. The first is only a safer stretching. Akvapilates differs from the usual one with the fact that in the water it is easier to catch the balance, and all movements can be worked out in detail and more thoughtfully.

Meals before and after water workouts

The brutal feeling of hunger is familiar to everybody who ever walked on the shore after a good swim. This is due to the fact that the body spends extra calories not only for physical activity, but for heating. And in order not to kill the training effect, the swimmer has to follow the correct diet.

Optimal pre-workout calorie intake for men is 300 calories, for women 200 calories. The selection of products and their consumption depends on the nature of the classes.

For losing weight. It is better to swim in the first half of the day. 2-3 hours before visiting the pool you may drink a glass of fresh juice, and in half an hour – a cup of strong green tea or black coffee, it will contribute to fat burning. After exercise it is best not to eat for 1-2 hours. But if a hunger control does not work – have a low-fat yogurt or eat an apple.

For gaining muscle weight. For a couple of hours before the sessions use thoroughly the refuel complex of carbohydrates (whole meal bread, vegetables or cereal) and protein (meat, beans or milk). 20 minutes after swimming you can eat any low-fat food, with juice (preferably cranberry and grape).

Source: http://www.da-voda.com/

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