WaterDrop puts water savings in the bag

Recently, showers like the Nebia and the Hamwell’s e-Shower have launched to help us save water when showering. The WaterDrop foldable watering can, however, takes a much simpler approach. It is designed to collect the average 3.5 l (0.8 gal) of water we waste waiting for the shower to warm up.


The WaterDrop takes the form of a tote bag that allows for the easy collection, storage and transportation of water.

Designed by Spanish startup Esferic, saving water is only part of the WaterDrop’s aim. It is also hoped that it will help to “promote a societal shift in water consumption habits” by increasing people’s awareness about the need to be frugal with water.

Nonetheless, Esferic says daily use of the Waterdrop will save users more than 1,000 l (220 gal) of water a year. It is made of recyclable thermoplastic polyurethane and takes the form of a tote bag with a reinforced handle so as to allow for the easy collection, storage and transportation of water.

To use the WaterDrop, users simply need to hold it under a shower head until the water runs warm. They can then continue with their shower, while the water collected can then be used for other domestic purposes, such as filling a mop bucket, watering plants or even flushing the toilet.

Esferic says it plans to develop a mobile app to accompany the WaterDrop so that users can measure the water savings they are making. A Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for the WaterDrop was successfully completed today. If all goes to plan, shipping to backers is estimated to start in March.

Source: http://newatlas.com/

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