CA Water-Info


Database of the Aral Sea


Water resources: quantitative indicators

The Aral Sea level fluctuation for 1780-1960

Key morphometric characteristics of the Aral Sea (1911-2018)

Bathymetric characteristics of the Aral Sea (1950-2009)

Dynamics of water resources by countries of basin (according with I. Shiklomanov)

Water resources: qualitative indicators

Salt influx to the Aral Sea

Aral and Prearalie

Water delivery to the Aral Sea and the Amudarya river delta for growing season

Water delivery to the Aral Sea and the Amudarya river delta for non-growing season

Water delivery to the Aral Sea and the Syrdarya river delta for growing season

Water delivery to the Aral Sea and the Syrdarya river delta for non-growing season

Monitoring of changes in the water surface and wetland area of the Aral Sea and the Aral Region

Land resources

Characteristic of natural complexes within dried seabed


Average monthly precipitation

Average air temperature over weather stations

Precipitation over weather stations

Relative air humidity over weather stations

Average wind speed over weather stations

Change in climate, runoff of major rivers in Central Asia, level and size of the Aral Sea over the last 20 thousand years


Dynamics of Aral Sea transformation (landscape images)

Aral Sea isobaths map

Sink of the Aral Sea

Butakov's map

Khanikov's map

Development of periodic fluctuations in the water area of the Aral Sea


Distribution of areas and volumes by altitudes

Resources of the Amudarya and the Syrdarya rivers