Интерактивная карта лучших практик

по использованию водных, земельных и энергетических ресурсов,
а также окружающей среды Центральной Азии

Сравнение практик

Название практики Arrangement of springs to improve stock watering Electronic Water Current Meter (ISV-1)
Категория Водные ресурсы Водные ресурсы
Инструмент Принцип общественного участия Средства и методы водоучета
Сфера использования практики

Use of water resources

Use of water resources

Пригодность практики для адаптации к изменению климата Умеренная Низкая
Кем реализована практика CAMP-Alatoo Public Foundation (PF)
Irrigation and Water Issues Research Institute with Tashkent Institute of Irrigation Engineering and Agriculture Mechanization (TIIEAM)
Где использована практика

Страна: Кыргызстан

Область: Чуйская

Район: Сокулукский

Страна: Узбекистан

Область: Ташкентская

Специфика местности, где использована практика

The site is located in a semi-drought zone subject to acute shortage of water resources in summer period and land degradation

Chirchik River Basin, Zarafshan River Basin, mid-streams of Syr Darya River Basin, mid- and lower streams of the Amu Darya River

Когда использована практика

Дата начала: 01.01.2011

Дата окончания: 31.12.2011

Дата начала: 01.01.2015

Дата окончания: 31.12.2017

Проблема, которая решается применением практики

Extremely low water availability (supply) of pastures; the quantity of cattle in watering sites below standard; land erosion

Until today, hydrometric revolver meters (GR-21) with propeller blade and contact mechanism are generally used.  These mechanisms are difficult to operate and require special skills and knowledge on behalf of personnel.  GR-21 hydrometric revolver meters possess certain essential flaws, including the following:

  • need for individual calibration (speed) execution and subsequent check-up of which requires an expensive test stand;
  • lack of continuous measuring capacity;
  • operating requires complete dismantling, cleaning and lubrication after each use, etc.;
  • presence of mechanically rubbing details in design unprotected from harmful effects of water;
  • impromptness of water speed (current) data.
Примененные в практике инструменты

Technology of springs arrangement for stock watering

Electronic Water Current Meter (ISV-1)

Описание практики и ее результаты


At first, the exact location of water outcrop was identified and cleaned from mud.  15 meters below the outcrop, 3 interconnected water tubs were installed (each 1.8 m long, 0.5 m wide and 0.5 deep).  Each subsequent tub is located lower than the preceding one, thus, allowing water flowing down in the cascade manner.


Financial and economic:

Cattle gaining weight quicker.


Improved water supply in the area, including for cattle watering.

ISV-1 is universal and easy to use.  Measurements are presented on the display in digital form and in speed units.  Use of the electronic device for measuring water speed and, based on it, water consumption facilitates the work of hydro-accountants.

Device characteristics:

  • no rubbing details in the design;
  • no requirement for preliminary and subsequent periodic calibration;
  • measurement results do not depend on changes in physical composition and properties of water;
  • simplifies the process of water speed measuring and, therefore, water consumption accounting;
  • available in stationary and portable designs;
  • measurement error is comparable to this of the widely used GR-21;
  • small overall dimensions and weight;
  • relatively low cost, etc.

 The device is universal and its measurement results do not depend on water composition and properties, except for temperature (desired range 0 to +30°C). The device underwent successful testing and was deployed in 5 Basin Irrigation System Administrations (BISA): Chirchik-Akhangaran BISA, Zarafshan BISA, Syr Darya-Sokh BISA, Amu-Surkhan BISA, Lower Amu Darya BISA.


  • manufacturing of 5 ISV-1 devices;
  • training of BISA hydro-accountants on device operation and use.


  • 5 above-stated BISAs accepted (acceptance certificate) and are presently using them;
  • the device’s testing is continuing for different irrigation system conditions;
  • the device developers continue receiving positive feedback from leading hydro-accountants;
  • at present, the works to enhance and certify the device are in progress.
Какие уроки и рекомендации можно извлечь из практики

Lessons learnt:

Collection of water in one place had been practiced since ancient times, but was forgotten over time.  Rehabilitation of traditional practices should be welcomed.


Similar practices should be scaled-up and continued as they not only benefit the local population, but also allow enhancing water availability for wild animals and expanding hayfield meadows.

Lessons learnt:

Application of the device increases the efficiency of data collection compared to the currently used equipment, as well as promotes rational and effective use of water resources due to higher accuracy, reliability and efficiency of irrigation water accounting data and saving of material and labor resources.


The device is recommended for use on large canals and collector facilities as well as intra-farm water supply networks.  Today, the majority of WUAs do not have revolver meters or other water-measuring devices in their disposal, so fitting them with such units would improve WUAs overall technical capacities.

With the ongoing acute deficit of hydro-accountants, any technical college graduate would be able to use ISV-1.

Источник практики

Traditional tools transferred from generation to generation which demonstrate their relevance in modern conditions

Domestic tools (outcomes of research by domestic R&D organizations)

Готовность практики к внедрению

1. Затраты на внедрение: Высокие

2. Примерная стоимость капиталовложений на 1 га:

3. Затраты на поддержание и эксплуатацию: Высокие

4. Экспертная поддержка: Не требуется

1. Затраты на внедрение: Умеренные

2. Примерная стоимость капиталовложений на 1 га: $1000

3. Затраты на поддержание и эксплуатацию: Низкие

4. Экспертная поддержка: Требуется на стадии внедрения

Краткая информация о проекте

Project title: Commercial contract engagement with 5 BISAs.

Project duration: 2015-2017.

Project goal and objectives: create an easy-to-operate tool to measure water speed (current) within the 0.2-5.0 m/s range for deployment on facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management (MAWM) of the RUz.

Project beneficiaries: BISAs of the MAWM of the RUz.

Project implementer: Head Water Administration (HWA) of the MAWM of the RUz.

Источник финансирования практики PF “CAMP-Alatoo”, local population Government of Uzbekistan
Источники информации о практике

WOCAT.net, Mr. Abdybek Asanaliyev (e-mail: asanaly61@mail.ru), Kyrgyz National Agriculture University, Bishkek

Operator manual for the electronic device “Water Speed Measuring Unit”, 2015.

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