Interactive map of the best practices

on the use of water, land and energy resources,
as well as the environment of Central Asia

Comparison of practices

Название практики Using the DUV 2/0.005-10 Water Level Sensor to automate the process of water accounting, level monitoring and management in Southern Kazakhstan Применение переносных полиэтиленовых лотков (ППЛ-50) полуциркульного сечения для полива сельхозкультур
Category Water resources Water resources
Tool Monitoring system Irrigation technique and technology
Field of application

Use of water resources

  • Использование водных ресурсов
  • Использование земельных ресурсов
Usability of practice for adaptation to climate change High Moderate
Implemented by Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Water Economy (KazSRIWE) LLP
Международный центр сельскохозяйственных исследований в засушливых регионах (ИКАРДА)
Used by

Country: Kazakhstan

Province: South Kazakhstan Region

District: Maktaaral District

Country: Uzbekistan

Province: Tashkent Region

District: Parkent District

Other settlement: Хозяйство «Байказан»

Local specifics

The hydro-posts are located in foothill and/or flat areas with the water stream speeds in canals fluctuating between 0.1 and 1.5 m/s

Предгорные земли с большими уклонами

Practice usage period

Start date: 01.01.2015

End date: 31.12.2017

Start date: 01.01.2006

End date: 31.12.2006

Problem solved through this practice
  • Inefficient management of water resources;
  • Inefficient planning of water distribution

Проблемы: потеря воды во временных оросителях, низкие коэффициенты земельного использования (КЗИ), трудность регулирования водоподачи в поливные борозды, низкая производительности труда поливальщиков

Tools used in the practice

DUV 2/0.005-10 Water Level Sensor

Переносные полиэтиленовые лотки (ППЛ-50) полуциркульного сечения

Description of the practice and its results

The DUV 2/0,005-10 Sensor was deployed and demonstrated its efficiency in Jambyl and Southern Kazakhstan Regions.  It allowed to visually and in real-time observe the dynamics of water level fluctuations and completely exclude manual operations and subjectivity in the process of taking readings – a relevant task in the environment of transition to market economy.

Water level sensors were installed in 17 hydro-posts in Southern Kazakhstan Region (Maktaaral District).  In Jambyl Region, the same sensors were installed in 3 hydro-posts in Merke District.



a) immediate data exchange on water volume passing through every water lead to the fields of agricultural producers (farms) as well as automatic transfer of this information to stakeholder organizations (branch of “Kazvodkhoz” Republican State Enterprise (RSE), etc.);

b) archiving the data coming from hydro-posts with its subsequent processing in the form of reports.

Technical and economic:

1) “all in one” – all components of DUV 2/0.005-10 are assembled into one unit/casing, do not require any additional modules and adjustments, i.e. it is an out-of-the-box universal tool to execute monitoring of water reserves irrespective of the availability of power supply and other technical and weather conditions.  The simple Sensor’s design facilitates installation and start-up and commissioning, as well as allows minimizing labor costs;

2) DUV 2/0.005-10 is flexible in terms of installation, data transfer methods, measurement subject (water level or hydro-lock position, etc.);

3) the cost of the measuring unit is 3-4 times less compared to currently available alternatives;

4) DUV 2/0.005-10 designed architecture allows increasing the number of controlled points and performing an integrated monitoring of the whole network.


1. Подача воды в ППЛ-50 возможна из: а) железобетонных лотков, б) закрытой сети, в) временных земляных оросителей.
2. Перед началом полива секции вручную разносят по трассе и раскладывают по заданному уклону поперек борозд в начале орошаемого участка. Секции вставляются одна в другую.
3. После настройки комплект способен обеспечивать заданный режим орошения.
4. При длинных бороздах (150 м и более) полив осуществляется ярусным способом, с применением гибких шлангов из полиэтиленовой пленки, D=300 мм.
5. В зависимости от условий участка, ширины междурядий и вида орошаемой культуры регулируется величина поливных струй путем изменения положения заслонки регулятора.


• Сокращение непроизводительных потерь на поле на 20-30%;
• Увеличение урожайности пшеницы на 2-4 ц/га, хлопчатника - на 3-4 ц/га;
• Увеличение производительности поливальщиков не менее чем в 2 раза;
• Увеличение КЗИ на 1,5-2,5%.

Lessons learnt and recommendations made

Lessons learnt:

Deployment of the DUV 2/0.005-10 Water Level Sensor led to increased precision of water level and consumption measurements and higher promptness of information collection compared to any known methods.

Using the device in the conditions of water resources deficiency, on the one hand, will ensure objective accounting of water use and, on the other hand, will promote water conservation among water users which will lead to more efficient technological development of agro-industrial complex and higher labor productivity.


The success of deploying water level sensors in project hydro-posts facilitated execution of measures to disseminate the positive experience of using the device in the water sector.  Their effect will be even more significant as enhanced quantity and quality indicators will ensure effective management of water resources and water conservation with simultaneous development of irrigated agriculture.


Применение ППЛ-50 возможно использовать при поливе хлопчатника с междурядьем 0,9 м и 0,6 м, а также овоще-бахчевых культур с междурядьем 0,3м.


Рекомендуется применять:
• ППЛ-50 диаметром 30 см в условиях предгорной земли с большими уклонами.
• ППЛ-50 диаметром 50 см – в равнинной зоне.
• Желательно при поливе в равнинных местностях предварительно выполнить планировочные работы.

Source of practice

Domestic tools (outcomes of research by domestic R&D organizations)

Отечественные инструменты (результат разработок отечественных научно-исследовательских структур)

Readiness for implementation

1. Cost of implementation: High

2. Approximate cost of investment per 1 ha:

3. O&M costs: High

4. Expert support: Not needed

1. Cost of implementation: Moderate

2. Approximate cost of investment per 1 ha: 7,6 долл. США

3. O&M costs: Moderate

4. Expert support: Needed at implementation stage

Brief information on the project

1. Project title: Implementation, scientific and methodical support and dissemination of automatic water-monitoring and water-accounting instruments in water measuring facilities of the pilot site in Jambyl Region.

Project goal: implement the innovation in the agro-industrial complex of Jambyl Region by way of installing water level sensors (DUV 0.005-10 Model, designed by KazSRIWE LLP) in hydro-posts along the Merkenka River and its diversion canals: Chon, Tesken, MPT of Merke District of Jambyl Region.


2. Project title: Implementation, scientific and methodical support and dissemination of automatic water-monitoring and water-accounting instruments in water measuring facilities of the pilot site in Southern Kazakhstan Region.

Project goal: implement the innovation in the agro-industrial complex of Southern Kazakhstan Region by way of installing water level sensors (DUV 0.005-10 Model, designed by KazSRIWE LLP) in hydro-posts along the diversion canals of Dostyk Main Canal in Maktaaral District of Southern Kazakhstan Region.

Название: «Адаптация контурных борозд и ярусной технологии полива с использованием переносных лотков. Исследования по созданию постоянных борозд на землях хозяйства «Байказан» Паркентского района».

Продолжительность: 2005–2006 гг.

Цели и задачи: Основной целью проекта является - улучшение жизненного уровня, продовольственного обеспечения сельского населения и сохранение плодородия почв в фермерских хозяйствах на склоновых землях путем внедрения поливов по контурным бороздам и наибольшему уклону с ярусным расположением сборных полиэтиленовых лотков.

Краткосрочной задачей проекта является демонстрация технологии полива по контурным бороздам и наибольшему уклону на склоновых землях с ярусным расположением сборных полиэтиленовых лотков и другие.

Получатели выгод от реализации проекта: Фермерские и дехканские хозяйства.

Структура, ответственная за реализацию проекта: ИКАРДА

Донор: Азиатский банк развития (АБР)

Funding source Program 019 “Identification of Innovative Projects in the Agro-Industrial Complex for 2017” Азиатский банк развития
Information sources
  1. Implementation, scientific and methodical support and dissemination of automatic water-monitoring and water-accounting instruments in water measuring facilities of the pilot site in Jambyl Region: R&D Report (final)/ Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Water Economy, supervised by Karlykhanov, O. K., executed by Li, M.A., Bakbergenov, N.N., Zhakashov, A.M., Imanaliyev, T. K., Ponkratiev, D.M., Taraz 2017, p. 108;
  2. Implementation, scientific and methodical support and dissemination of automatic water-monitoring and water-accounting instruments in water measuring facilities of the pilot site in Southern Kazakhstan Region: R&D Report (final)/ Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Water Economy, supervised by Karlykhanov, O. K., executed by Li, M.A., Bakbergenov, N.N., Zhakashov, A.M., Imanaliyev, T. K., and Ponkratiev, D.M., Taraz 2017, p. 80.
Contacts of a person, who filled this form

Li Marina 

Scientific Research Institute of Water Economy




Form submission date 18.05.2018 22.08.2017
