Interactive map of the best practices

on the use of water, land and energy resources,
as well as the environment of Central Asia

Comparison of practices

Название практики Introduction of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) principles on the Aspara small transboundary river Повышение водообеспеченности Аксу-Аюлинского сельского округа
Category Water resources Water resources
Tool Public participation principle System for enhancing water availability
Field of application

Use of water resources

Использование водных ресурсов

Usability of practice for adaptation to climate change High Moderate
Implemented by USAID/CAREC
ПРООН, ЕЭК ООН и Комитет по водным ресурсам Министерства сельского хозяйства РК совместно с Общественным объединением «Ассоциация крестьянских хозяйств Шетского района Карагандинской области»
Used by

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Country: Kazakhstan

Province: Karaganda Region

District: Shet District

Other settlement: Аксу-Аюлинский сельский округ

Local specifics

Transboundary river

Объект расположен в зоне острой нехватки оросительной и питьевой воды

Practice usage period

Start date: 01.04.2012

End date: 31.10.2016

Start date: 01.01.2015

End date: 31.12.2015

Problem solved through this practice

Imperfections of the water management mechanism in the Isfara small transboundary river basin

Острая нехватка оросительной воды

Tools used in the practice

The principle of stakeholder engagement in decision-making associated with water management of small transboundary river; IWRM planning technique

Меры по восстановлению природных родников: обустройство родников ограждением из камня и трубой для отвода воды

Description of the practice and its results

The Aspara River originates in the Western Tien Shan on the territory of Kyrgyzstan and flows northwards crossing the border with Kazakhstan.  The river’s total length exceeds 44 km, and its catchment area amounts to approximately 66 km2.  The Aspara River Basin is located in Chu Region in Kyrgyzstan’s northwest and Jambyl Region in Southern Kazakhstan.  The basin is shared by several different ethnicities where they live and work.  The basin’s population is rapidly growing, and the agriculture is developing.  In many places along the course of the river, especially in its lower streams, the water doesn't meet quality and sanitary standards.  Liquid waste produced by the population, industry and livestock production as well as solid waste constitute major sources of environmental pollution.

Project efforts were carried out in Jambyl Region of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Chu Region of the Kyrgyz Republic.


Establishment of 2 stakeholder groups, i.e. Small Basin Councils (SBC) – on both Kazakhstan’s and Kyrgyzstan’s sides of the river – representing local authorities, NGOs, water users and local communities.  The SBCs already held 6 joint meetings proving the value of SBCs as platforms to exchange opinions and information as well as take joint decisions on enhancing the overall situation in the basin.

In addition, hydrometric posts were reconstructed and underwent certification, and the automated water distribution and accounting system was installed on the Mailybai Canal. The water supply system in the village of Cholok-Aryk also underwent reconstructed.  A demo-site to demonstrate drip irrigation equipment and technology was established on the premises of Ravshan Farm receiving its irrigation water via the Mailybai Canal.


Thus, the creation of national Small Basin Councils (SBC) on the Aspara River ensured a platform for exchanging opinions and information as well as joint decision-making to improve the overall situation in the Aspara River Basin, including the development of the IWRM basin-specific plan.


Проектом выбраны 10 родников, которые сохранили способность выхода воды на поверхность. Деятельность по проекту включала обустройство родников ограждением из камня, чтобы скот не топтал источник. Для стока воды в стенку ограждения вставлена труба.


Экономический эффект от развития животноводства и орошения – свыше 100 000 долларов США.

Улучшилась водообеспеченность территории оросительной и питьевой водой. С применением практики водообеспеченность территории выросла на 30-40%. Разработан проект «Правила использования водных объектов общего пользования для личных и бытовых нужд, расположенных на территории сельского округа»

Lessons learnt and recommendations made

Lessons learnt:

Introduction of IWRM principles is the pre-requisite of stable and fair water supply irrespective of a given water user’s location.


Currently, when local stakeholders are represented in SBCs and are engaged in joint water management, it is necessary to continue the capacity-building efforts to build-up SBCs’ efficiency.  In the long term, it might be necessary and possible to establish a joint body to manage the whole Aspara River Basin shared by Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.


Практика показала выгодность восстановления родников и необходимость регулярного поддержания водных объектов.


Нужно продолжать такие работы не только в Казахстане, но и по всему региону. Например, можно восстановить по всей Центральной Азии много родников и накопителей воды типа сардоба или подземных кяризов.

Source of practice

Foreign tools (transfer of foreign experience)

Отечественные инструменты (результат разработок отечественных научно-исследовательских структур)

Readiness for implementation

1. Cost of implementation: High

2. Approximate cost of investment per 1 ha:

3. O&M costs: High

4. Expert support: Not needed

1. Cost of implementation: High

2. Approximate cost of investment per 1 ha:

3. O&M costs: Low

4. Expert support: Needed at O&M stage

Brief information on the project

Development and implementation of basin plans constitute principal elements of integrated water resources management.  Multi-agency coordination mechanism via basin councils or coordination groups is an important advantage of IWRM.  This approach allows streamlined coordination and synergy of actions on all levels of management hierarchy.

Project title: Stakeholder partnership in joint policy-making: assistance to transboundary cooperation in small watersheds of Central Asia.

Project duration: Apr 2012-Oct 2016

Project goal and objectives: introduction of the integrated water resources management (IWRM) practice in three transboundary watersheds and its scaling-up in Central Asia.

Project beneficiaries: communities of the Aspara small transboundary river basin, specialists of water and environmental agencies, farmers.

Project implementer: USAID/CAREC.

Название: Проект «SaveH2Okz» в рамках Совместного проекта ЕС/ПРООН/ЕЭК ООН «Поддержка Казахстана для перехода к модели зеленой экономики»
Продолжительность: 2015-2018 гг.
Цели и задачи: Информационное освещение проблематики истощения водных ресурсов, с целью продвижения практик «зеленой экономики»
Получатели выгод от его реализации: Местное население
Структура, ответственная за реализацию проекта: МСХ РК
Донор: Евросоюз

Funding source USAID Евросоюз, грант
Information sources

Совместный проект ЕС/ПРООН/ЕЭК ООН "Поддержка Казахстана по переходу к модели зеленой экономики" при финансовой поддержке Европейского Союза. 

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Form submission date 02.04.2018 09.08.2017
