Interactive map of the best practices

on the use of water, land and energy resources,
as well as the environment of Central Asia

Comparison of practices

Название практики Establishment of the Khoja-Bakirgan Main Canal Water User Union (KBMC-WUU) Обустройство родников для улучшения водопоя животных
Category Water resources Water resources
Tool Integration principle Public participation principle
Field of application

Use of water resources

Использование водных ресурсов

Usability of practice for adaptation to climate change Moderate Moderate
Implemented by Scientific and Information Center (SIC) of Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (ICWC) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Общественный Фонд (ОФ) «САMP-Алатоо»
Used by

Country: Tajikistan

Province: Sughd Region

District: Bobojon Ghafurov

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Province: Chuy Region

District: Sokuluk District

Local specifics

Khoja-Bakirgan River Basin; Khoja-Bakirgan Main Canal (KBMC), allotted area – 8.12 thousand ha, number of water users – 19, including 11 WUAs.

Объект расположен в полузасушливой зоне с острой нехваткой водных ресурсов в летний период. Деградация земель.

Practice usage period

Start date: 01.01.2007

End date: 31.12.2017

Start date: 01.01.2011

End date: 31.12.2011

Problem solved through this practice

Low level of coordination among WUAs – as a rule, each WUA liaises independently with its water management organization (WMO).

Степень водообеспеченности пастбищных земель очень низкая, количество перегона скота на водопой меньше, чем по нормативу, эрозия почв.

Tools used in the practice

Methods of integration and social mobilization

Технология обустройства родников для водопоя животных

Description of the practice and its results

The KBMC-WUU is an association of legal entities in the form of Union – a voluntary independent non-profit public organization uniting legal entities (i.e. WUAs) based on common interests with the aim of coordinating actions and protecting shared interests and rights.  KBMC-WUU operates as per the Charter approved at the general meeting of water user representatives, has its own stamp and bank account.


The creation of KBMC-WUU began with the establishment of the Initiative Group (IG).  The IG consisted of active water specialists, representatives of water users and other stakeholders who saw the need to transit to IWRM.  Further on, the IG carried out social mobilization, drafted necessary documents (the Union’s Charter, etc.), organized the general meeting of water users that approved the Charter and established the Union’s Council (Board).  After that, KBMC-WUU underwent legal registration and officially launched its work.


  • KBMC-WUU established and legally registered;
  • KBMC-WUU contributed to the following:

- enhanced stability and uniformity of water supply to WUAs via state WMO;
- better collection of water supply service fees paid by WUAs to state WMO.

  • Representing the interests of water users as a member of the RMC Water Committee, KBMC-WUU also contributed to decreasing conflicts between WUAs and WMO.


Сначала определено точное место выклинивания воды и
очищено от грязевой массы. Ниже 15 метров от этого места построены 3 сообщающиеся корыта для водопоя. Длина каждого корыта 1,8 метра, ширина 0,50 метра и глубина 0,50 метра. Каждое последующее корыто размещено ниже предыдущего, и вода поступает в виде каскада в нижние части земель.


Скот набирает живой вес быстрее.

Улучшилась водообеспеченность территории, в том числе для скота.

Lessons learnt and recommendations made

Lessons learnt:

KBMC-WUU performance depends on internal and external factors: capacities (financial, institutional, etc.) of its members (i.e. WUAs) and the level of democracy and market development in the country.  In turn, the growth of capacities of KBMC-WUU members depends on KBMC-WUU performance.


Currently, WUAs capacities are rather poor which is reflected in KBMC-WUU own underperformance.  Considering that WUA represent the weakest link in water hierarchy and the role of water users in addressing national food, water and environmental security needs, the government should find opportunities to support (first of all, financially) WUAs/ KBMC-WUU during transition period (until they become self-sufficient).


Сбор воды в одно место практиковался с древних времен, но он со временем был забыт. Восстановление традиционного опыта следует приветствовать.


Нужно продолжать такие мероприятия, так как такие практики выгодны не только местному населению, но они обеспечивают водой и диких животных, а также увеличивают пастбищные сенокосные площади.

Source of practice

Foreign tools (transfer of foreign experience)

Традиционные инструменты, передаваемые из поколения в поколение и показавшие ценность в современных условиях

Readiness for implementation

1. Cost of implementation: High

2. Approximate cost of investment per 1 ha:

3. O&M costs: High

4. Expert support: Not needed

1. Cost of implementation: Low

2. Approximate cost of investment per 1 ha:

3. O&M costs: Low

4. Expert support: Needed at implementation stage

Brief information on the project

Project title: Integrated Water Resources Management in the Fergana Valley (IWRM-Fergana).

Project duration: Jan 01, 2001-Dec 31, 2012 (12 years).

Project goal and objectives: overall project goal was “to contribute to safer living, environmental sustainability and wide social harmony, to support rural restructuring in Central Asian countries by enhancing water resources management based on the example of the Ferghana Valley”.

Project beneficiaries: WUAs, farmers in project sites.

Project implementer: IWMI, SIC of the ICWC, Project Steering Committee (PSC) consisting of 3 representatives of the Ministries of Rural and Water Management (MRWM) of project target countries, 3 heads of Regional Water Administrations hosting project target sites.

Funding source Grant from the Swiss Government via SDC (ОФ) «САMP-Алатоо» - местное население
Information sources

N.N. Mirzayev, Guidelines on IWRM Streamlining, Volume 1 (Institutional Aspects), Tashkent, 2011.

Абдыбек Асаналиев, Кыргызский Национальный Аграрный Университет, Бишкек

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Form submission date 03.04.2018 09.08.2017
