Interactive map of the best practices

on the use of water, land and energy resources,
as well as the environment of Central Asia

Comparison of practices

Название практики Restoration of irrigation infrastructure in mountainous regions of Kyrgyzstan Обустройство родников для улучшения водопоя животных
Category Water resources Water resources
Tool Restoration of water management infrastructure Public participation principle
Field of application

Использование водных ресурсов

Usability of practice for adaptation to climate change Moderate Moderate
Implemented by Mountain Societies Development Support Programme Kyrgyzstan (MSDSP KG) on the initiative of Aga Khan Foundation
Общественный Фонд (ОФ) «САMP-Алатоо»
Used by

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Province: Osh Region

District: Nookat District

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Province: Chuy Region

District: Sokuluk District

Local specifics

The northeastern part of Osh Region lies in the Tien Shan spurs (Fergana Range) with the Pamir-Altai Mountains in the south and west (Turkestan, Alai, Trans-Alai (Lenin Peak) Ridges.  The climate in the region is sharp continental.  The Kyzyl-Suu, Ak-Buura and Kara Darya are the largest rivers in the area used for irrigation.

Объект расположен в полузасушливой зоне с острой нехваткой водных ресурсов в летний период. Деградация земель.

Practice usage period

Start date: 01.01.2013

End date: 31.12.2016

Start date: 01.01.2011

End date: 31.12.2011

Problem solved through this practice

Conflicts due to disputes over water resources and pastures

Степень водообеспеченности пастбищных земель очень низкая, количество перегона скота на водопой меньше, чем по нормативу, эрозия почв.

Tools used in the practice

Repair works to restore irrigation networks and infrastructure

Технология обустройства родников для водопоя животных

Description of the practice and its results

Disputes over water resources and pastures can lead to conflicts, in particular among the communities living in border zones in the Fergana Valley.  Every year, this urgent issue gains even more relevance as - according to expert forecasts – by 2020 Kyrgyzstan’s population may reach 7 mln 70% of which will live in rural communities.


The project to rehabilitate irrigation canals aimed to improve access to water resources and pastures for local residents.  The project also promoted introduction of equal-right practices in the sphere of water resources and pastures management among local population.  All project actions targeted the improvement of living conditions of local residents and decreasing tensions.


On June 8, 2016, Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) and Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) held the ceremonial opening of 5 repaired irrigation canals in Nookat District of Osh Region.  Repair works to rehabilitate the irrigation canals were co-funded by Nookat District Water Management Administration, ajyl aimaks (Kyrg. rural local governance bodies) and local residents themselves.

Financial and economic:

  • residents of Nookat District, nearby villages of Aravan District and the town of Kyzyl-Kiya gained access to irrigation water;
  • farmer incomes grew thanks to addressing the issue of irrigation water shortage.


The condition of over 4,000 ha (irrigated land) improved.

Technical results:

The total length of all repaired irrigation canals exceeded 10,900 meters.

Social results:

  • living conditions of local residents improved;
  • tensions associated with the use of water and pastures in Fergana Valley border zones decreased.


Сначала определено точное место выклинивания воды и
очищено от грязевой массы. Ниже 15 метров от этого места построены 3 сообщающиеся корыта для водопоя. Длина каждого корыта 1,8 метра, ширина 0,50 метра и глубина 0,50 метра. Каждое последующее корыто размещено ниже предыдущего, и вода поступает в виде каскада в нижние части земель.


Скот набирает живой вес быстрее.

Улучшилась водообеспеченность территории, в том числе для скота.

Lessons learnt and recommendations made

Lessons learnt:

Repair and restoration of irrigation infrastructure facilitated the improvement of living conditions among local population, decreased tensions and disputes associated with water and pasture use in border zones of the Fergana Valley, and enhanced farmer welfare.


The practice yielded positive outcomes and is recommended for further scaling-up to improve the welfare and ensure sustainable development of mountain communities in border zones.


Сбор воды в одно место практиковался с древних времен, но он со временем был забыт. Восстановление традиционного опыта следует приветствовать.


Нужно продолжать такие мероприятия, так как такие практики выгодны не только местному населению, но они обеспечивают водой и диких животных, а также увеличивают пастбищные сенокосные площади.

Source of practice

Foreign tools (transfer of foreign experience)

Традиционные инструменты, передаваемые из поколения в поколение и показавшие ценность в современных условиях

Readiness for implementation

1. Cost of implementation: High

2. Approximate cost of investment per 1 ha:

3. O&M costs: High

4. Expert support: Not needed

1. Cost of implementation: Low

2. Approximate cost of investment per 1 ha:

3. O&M costs: Low

4. Expert support: Needed at implementation stage

Brief information on the project

Project title: Improving infrastructure and building capacity of relevant local institutes on effective management of water and pasture resources.

Project duration: 2013-2016.

Project goal and objectives: enhance welfare and ensure sustainable development of mountain communities, prevent conflicts, facilitate stability and security of using natural resources in border zones.

Scale of implementation and project beneficiaries: populations of Nookat and Aravan Districts, town of Kyzyl-Kiya.

Project implementer: Mountain Societies Development Support Programme Kyrgyzstan (MSDSP KG).

Funding source Aga Khan Foundation and the UK Embassy in Kyrgyzstan (ОФ) «САMP-Алатоо» - местное население
Information sources

Mountain Partnership Member News (

Абдыбек Асаналиев, Кыргызский Национальный Аграрный Университет, Бишкек

Contacts of a person, who filled this form



Form submission date 18.05.2018 09.08.2017
