Knowledge Base


Presentations at Conferences

International Conference "Aral: Past, Present and Future. Two centuries of the Aral Sea investigations"
Saint Petersburg, 13-15 October 2009

The Second International Conference on the Aral Sea Problems, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Laboratory of Brackish Water Research of Zoological Institute RAS
St Petersburg, 15-18 November 2019



    Problems of reclamation hydrogeology in arid zone of USSR / SAIGIMS . - Tashkent, 1971. – 150p.

    Horizontal drainage of irrigated lands./ - Moscow, 1979.

    Kats D.M. Irrigation impact on ground water. - Moscow, 1976.

    Kats D.M. Control of ground water regime on irrigated lands. – Moscow, 1967.

    Kostyakov M.N., Favorin N.N., Averyanov S.F. Irrigation systems influence on ground water regime. - Moscow, 1956.

    Mavlyanov G.A., Ganiyev K.G. Multiyear ground water regime on irrigated lands of the Aral sea basin. - Tashkent, 1980. – 134p.

    Mirzayev S.Sh., Bakusheva L.P. Assessment of water-related measures on ground water resources. - Tashkent, 1979.

    Ostrovsky L.A. Fomin V.M. Ground water of Central Asian plains, Moscow, 1969. – 210 p.

    Rafikov A.A. Ground water of dry Aral sea bed and its influence on salt accumulation process // Academy of Science Reports. - 1981. - Issue 4. - p. 49-51.

    Reshetkina N.M., Yakubov Kh. E. Vertical drainage -Moscow, 1979.

    Khojibayev N.N., Samoilenko V.G. Hydrogeological-reclamation forecast and its grounding. - Tashkent, 1978.

    Khojibayev N.N., Sherfetdinov L.Z. Hydrogeological-reclamation forecast in arid zones / -Tashkent, 1982. – 180p.

    Shmidt M.A. Hydrogeological types of irrigated oases in Uzbekistan// Irrigation problems. - 1948.


    Aratarskaya T.R. Irrigation impact on river flow//Academy of Geographic Science. - 1970.

    Questions of channel hydrotechnics with regard for human activity in the river basins of Central Asia / SANIIRI - Tashkent, 1990. – 132p.

    Golyanovskaya N.V., Mechitov I.I., Migunova L.P. Irrigated farming impact on Amudarya lower reaches water resources // Gidrotechnika and Melioratsiya. - 1975. – Issue 6. - p. 105-110.

    Final Report of International Conference for Sustainable Development of the Aral Sea basin, 1995, Nukus – 154 p.

    Lakes and reservoirs of Central Asia: Collection of papers -Leningrad. (VNIIGIM, issue 50), 1977. – 101p.

    Kindler Ya., Dukhovny V.A. Main provisions of regional strategy in the Aral sea basin - Almaty, 1997.

    Rubinova F.E. Water reclamation impact on Central-Asian rivers flow and chemical regime (review). - Obninsk, 1981.

    Kharchenko S.I. Assessment of irrigation and reclamation impact on water resources and water balance of upper watersheds. - Moscow., 1973.