Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Use of saline collector-drainage water for irrigation on desert-sandy soils in south Kyzylkum (Hunger Steppe)

Project location

Republic of Uzbekistan, Syrdarya oblast, Illich rayon, state farm №7 "Pravda"



Rubric (SIC ICWC)


Project duration


Project manager

B.I.Nikolayenko, SANIIRI Republic of Uzbekistan, 700187, Tashkent, Karasu-4, 1 1


Research is devoted to definition of optimal collector-drainage water salinity for  cotton  irrigation  under prevention of soil secondary salinization  and maintaining profitable yield capacity; recommendation development on irrigation and leaching by saline water under Hunger Steppe conditions. Climate is continental. Soils-light and medium loam, slightly saline within the layer 0-0.8m (0.3-0.4%) and medium saline beneath (1.8-2.6m) (0.8-1.6%). Ground water depth is 2.0-2.5m (growing period) and 3.5-4.5m (fall-winter period); salinity is 6.6-7.7 g/l, chloride-sulfate. Artesian ground water have salinity 5-30 g/l. Experimental plot area is 2.5 ha. Irrigation network-concrete flums with efficiency 0.96. Drainage is horizontal with drain depth 2.5-3.0m, collector depth is 5m. Acceptable water salinity for cotton irrigation in new developed zone of Hunger Steppe depending on soil salinity degree and composition,   permeability,   drainage   conditions,   hydrological conditions is found. Irrigation norm, terms and depth of irrigation as well as crop irrigation regime are established.

Key words

Irrigation water, irrigation norm, saline water,  leaching norm, cotton, water quality, soil water-salt balance, melons, grass


Author: Z.P.Pushkaryova Title: "Saline water use for irrigatioh (on example of new irrigated zone of Hunger Steppe and Pre-Kyzylkum plain", 1978 Results of field investigations of water with different salinity use for irrigation in new zone of Hunger Steppe and Pre-Kyzylkum plain arte presented. Soil water-salt balance and drainage outflow changes are shown.