Knowledge Base

Identification code


Project title

Study of management of water salt regime of heavy- reclomative soils by means of autumn-winter leaching and leaching regime conduction.

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, SyrDarya oblast, Saihunabad rayon, "Sotializm" farm. 


70.21.39; 70.03.21

Rubric (SIC ICWC)


Project duration


Project manager

Kh.I. Yakubov, SANIIRI

The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700187,Tashkent, Karasu-4/11


Investigations related to adjustment of desalinization methods of heavy saline lands with complex hydrogeological and ground conditions by means of autumn-winter leaching and leaching regime conduction and strengthening soil drainability on background of vertical drainage.Climate is sharply continental. Relief is hilly. Ground water level-1,8-2,2m (vegetation period), 2,5-3,5m (non vegetation period), salinity 5-8 g/l from chloride-sulfate to sulfate-chloride type.  Soils are sierozem-meadow. Soil structure corresponds to middle loam with gypsum layer, heavy saline, sulfate and chloride sulfate type. Area under investigation is 3000ha, from which 1538 ha under irrigation, land efficiency -0,87; experimental plot area is 17 ha. On experimental plot 28 wells of vertical drainage are constructed with depth 65-80m.Water supply from distributor Shuruzyak, from wells of vertical drainage system, from collector Shuruzyak. During investigation observation all over elements of water salt balance of aeration zone, ground water and irrigated lands is conducted.

Recommendations on water supply and drainability ration are given under which optimal rates of soil desalinization and maintenance of root zone humidity in vegetation period are provided. Leaching technology and leaching regime are adjusted.   

Key words

water salt balance; soil; leaching; irrigation regime; vertical drainage; cotton


Author - Kh. I. YakubovTitle -"Saline lands reclamation on background of vertical drainage", Tashkent, "Mehnat", 1990.The principles of irrigated territory typification on complexity of reclamation and selection of perfect drainage are given. The main requirements to obtaining the input data for desalinization measure designing and water salt processes regularity formation on background of vertical drainage are developed. Description and analysis of results of soil desalinization process and water salt regime management under leaching and leaching regime are given.

The principles of vertical drainage operation regime allowing create optimal reclamative regimes on irrigated lands are given.