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Project title

Rice fields water salt regime management on a base of vertical drainage.

Project location

The Republic of Kazakhstan, South-Kazakh oblast, Shardarya rayon, “Kyzylkum” collective farm



Rubric (SIC ICWC)

Project duration


Project manager

S.D. Megai, KazNIIGim

The Republic of Kazakhstan, 484022, Taraz, Koigeldy 12


Investigations related to salt control on rice fields by means of territory drainability and leaching irrigation regime conduction; rice field water salt regime management on a base of vertical drainage and its productivity increase.Climate is sharply continental. Relief is flat.Ground water salinity -1,2-2,2 g/l, chloride-sulfate type.Soils are meadow-sierozem. Soil structure corresponds to loam with clay and sandy loam, slightly saline, chloride-sulfate type.Irrigated area is 487,8 ha.Sixth wells with depth 50 m are operating.Irrigation system in earth channel, specific length - 25-30 m/ha.Experimental plot is equipped by measuring and accounting means.

In the result of investigations the recommendations on soil desalinization and its productivity increase are given. They based on territory drainability strengthening by means of drainage operation regime development providing optimal soil water salt regime of rice fields management during vegetation and non vegetation periods.

Key words

rice systems; vertical drainage; water salt regime; desalinization; rice


1. Authors - S.D. Megai., L.V. Kruglov., V.A. KislinskyTitle - “Vertical drainage on rice system of Kyzylkum”, KazNIIGim, 1982.Long-term investigations showed reclamation efficiency of vertical drainage under rice and alfalafa cultivation.2. Author - S.D. Megai.Title - “Land desalinization technology on Kyzylkum rice system on a background of vertical drainage ”, KazNIIGim, 1980.

On a base of field investigations salt content cycle change under rice cultivation and its catch crop on a background of vertical drainage is revealed.   Zones of vertical wells influence are established.