Knowledge Base

Identification code


Project title

Study of reclamation processes in ¹6 “Titov” farm of new zone of Hungry Steppe.

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Syrdarya oblast, Sh. Rashidov  rayon, ¹6 “Titov” farm.



Rubric (SIC ICWC)


Project duration


Project manager

G.E. Baturin., SPA SANIIRI

The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700187, Tashkent, Karasu-4/11


Investigations related to warning and second salinity control on new development lands on a background of artificial territory drainability creation, leaching regime, maintenance and capital leaching conduction, reclamation efficiency, system workability  and close horizontal drainage maintenence pecilarities establishment.

Climate is sharply continental. Relief is hilly. Soils are sandy loam, slightly and medium loam, saline, chloride-sulfate type. Infarm irrigation system is flume.  Collector-drainage system -  open collectors by depth 3-6m, close drains by depth 2,5-3,5m.

According to investigations results the organizational and technical measures, recommendations on terms of over drainage bed development in process of self- compacting reverse filling allowed  collector drainage system workability and efficiency increase, maintenance expenditures decrease as well as ecological, sanitation and aesthetic conditions of irrigated territory improve.

Construction of systematic close horizontal drainage together with  other agro-reclamation measures allowed during 1967-1972 introduce into agricultural crop rotation up to 3,5 th.ha of second saline lands and cotton yield increase up to 8-10 c/ha.  

Key words

soil salinity; close drainage; horizontal drainage; desalinization; salinity; ground water level; dainage flow; irrigation regime; cotton


1. Authors -A.A. Rachinsky., V. Lazaridis., G.E. Baturin

Title - “ Study of reclamation processes on soils of one of the farms of new zone of Hugry Steppe”    “Soil science”, 1969, ¹ 4.

Investigation of reclamation processes on one of the first farms of Hungry Steppe allows to evaluate the correctness of project decisions, reveal mistakes of development and outline the ways of rational-differentiated reclamation measures.

2. Authors - Kh. I. Yakubov., G.V. Eremenko., G.E. Baturin., V. Lazaridis., M.S. Merishensky.

Title - “For calculation of economic effect, obtained from one hectare of irrigated lands under close horizontal drainage”  

The results of long term investigations of dynamic of reclamation land conditions drained by close horizontal drainage in new zone of Hungry Steppe, Fergana and Khorezm oblast are given. Analysis of soils and ground water desalinization processes is given. Water consumption and irrigated lands productivity increase. Economic efficiency of close horizontal drainage introduction is given.