Archive for May 4, 2018

Drink Water At The Correct Time To Stay Healthy

A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.

We all know how difficult it is to get ourselves to the gym and to actually work on our physical wellbeing; how difficult it is to follow a diet plan and change our eating habits. But we can start with something small, something simple.

Drink water

All you have to do is drink water. Do it at the right time, in the right amount, be consistent, and you’re done. Simple.

Guzzle up water habitually

There are wonderful benefits of drinking water. So I suggest, you make it into a habit. Although, it should be emphasized—the important point is—the consistency of doing this. If you do it once or twice a week, you won’t get any benefits. You’ve got do it every day. Make drinking water a habit and you’re on your way to enjoying a long and healthy life. Read more

9 Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water

Signs you’re not drinking enough water

We hear it all day, every day: most of us are not drinking enough water. We know that we need it, but for one reason or another, we often fail to make it a priority. As a result, we may begin to notice changes in our sense of well-being.

The average adult body is made up of between 55-60 percent water, which is an indication as to why it’s so important to replenish and refresh these vital stores. It makes sense that when we get dehydrated our bodies, much like our vehicles, send out clear warning signs that we need to check our fluid levels. If that happens, it’s important to do everything to get your hydration level back on track.

Here are some of the symptoms associated with not drinking enough water. Read more