Archive for October 7, 2014

Liquid Photography by Alex Koloskov

Alex Koloskov is a talented commercial photographer, who mix of technicality, innovation and out of the box thinking.

Alex-Koloskov2Alex was born in Ukraine and currently based in Campbell, CA, USA. He completely self taught photographer, who shoot a lof of still life and splash photography. Read more

Earth’s water is older than the sun: Likely originated as ices that formed in interstellar space

Water was crucial to the rise of life on Earth and is also important to evaluating the possibility of life on other planets. Identifying the original source of Earth’s water is key to understanding how life-fostering environments come into being and how likely they are to be found elsewhere.

This is an illustration of water in our Solar System through time from before the Sun's birth through the creation of the planets.

This is an illustration of water in our Solar System through time from before the Sun’s birth through the creation of the planets.

New work from a team including Carnegie’s Conel Alexander found that much of our Solar System’s water likely originated as ices that formed in interstellar space. Their work is published in Science. Read more