Archive for March 29, 2016

Rainwater used to generate electricity

When we complain about the rain, other people will often say “Yeah, but it’s good for the plants.” Well, thanks to a microturbine-based system created by three students from the Technological University of Mexico, it’s now also being used to generate electricity for use in low-income homes.


The three young inventors of the Pluvia system, which uses rainwater runoff to generate electricity.

In a nutshell, the Pluvia system – developed by Omar Enrique Leyva Coca, Romel Brown and Gustavo Rivero Velázquez – uses the stream of rainwater runoff from houses’ rooftop rain gutters to spin a microturbine in a cylindrical housing. Electricity generated by that turbine is used to charge 12-volt batteries, which can in turn be used to power LED lamps or other small household appliances. Read more