Archive for December 4, 2018

Gray Water Usage: Diversion Systems

While the particulars of a gray water diversion or filtration system can vary greatly, several basic steps are commonly used.

hand-activated valve serves as an important first step in many systems, especially the more basic diversion systems. This valve allows a person to decide when water from a bathroom sink, tub or washing machine will be diverted to the garden and when it will go into the sewage system or septic tank. This level of regulation comes in handy to avoid overwatering during times of heavy rain or sending harmful chemicals or diaper water out to the garden.

After gray water is diverted down a system of pipes, its first stop on its trip to the garden is a basic filter — generally a mesh screen — to eliminate larger particles, before entry into a surge tank. The surge tank is used to help regulate flow by temporarily storing large amounts of gray water. This helps ensure a bathtub’s worth of drainage doesn’t all rush into the garden at once, while also preventing it from backing up into the home. Read more