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40 Brilliant Photographs of Undersea Life

Photographs have a way of naturally shifting our emotions. The ocean is a calming sentiment to humans since we’re so comfortable living on the land. But there is a whole ecosystem underneath the water that many of us are not even aware exists. The Earth is a beautiful place and it has been only recently that we’ve created the technology to capture these moments in time.

Undersea Life Chatter

Undersea Life Chatter

I’ve collected 40 stunning photos taken under the oceans all around the world. The lifestyle of animals can differ greatly based on how they live and behave amongst other animals. Photograph enthusiasts will love this showcase and surely gather some wonderful concepts about undersea life forms. Additionally please feel free to share your thoughts or questions below in the post discussion area. Read more

Save water…give life


The ad is inspired by the relay race. The image shows two hands, the one holds the baton, which is made by water and passes it to the next hand, which symbolizes the future generation. It’s a symbolism that expresses the message. Read more

Mimicking nature: Integrate your home hydrological cycle

The Earth’s hydrological cycle has been recycling our global water supply since the birth of the planet. Water from the surface evaporates, is cleansed in the atmosphere, and then returns to the surface, which captures every last drop in order to begin the cycle anew.


Imagine if the world, instead of recapturing rain water, had a drain like your sink or bathtub. Valuable freshwater would be lost from the cycle and lead to the eventual depletion of the planet’s water supply. Read more

Adhesion and Cohesion of Water

I used to wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night because I could not get the concepts of water adhesion and cohesion clear in my mind. If you have that problem, too, then do yourself a favor and read on to learn about these important properties of water.

Cohesion: Water is attracted to water
Adhesion: Water is attracted to other substances

Adhesion and cohesion are water properties that affect every water molecule on earth and also the interaction of water molecules with molecules of other substances. Essentially, cohesion and adhesion are the “stickiness” that water molecules have for each other and for other substances. You can see this in the picture to the right. Read more

Rain: A valuable resource

Rain and snow are key elements in the Earth’s water cycle, which is vital to all life on Earth. Rainfall is the main way that the water in the skies comes down to Earth, where it fills our lakes and rivers, recharges the underground aquifers, and provides drinks to plants and animals.


Fortunately for everyone, water is a renewable resource that moves in a cycle with neither beginning nor end. Water vapor (evaporated from oceans, lakes, forests, fields, animals, and plants) condenses and returns to Earth as precipitation, once again replenishing reservoirs, lakes, rivers, and other sources of water and providing the moisture required by plants and animals.s Read more