The Structure of Water

Water is a polar molecule having a positively charged side where the two hydrogen atoms are found and a negatively charged end where the oxygen atom is located. The angle between the two hydrogen atoms with respect to the single large oxygen atom is 105 degrees. This unique polarized structure of the water molecule allows it to create hydrogen bonding between various water molecules, much like small magnets are linked together with the alternative north and south poles attracted to each other.

Water then forms clusters of charged molecules which form distinct structures and can store information. In fact, water can be viewed as a large liquid crystal analogous to the liquid crystals which are found on a digital wrist watch display. This hydrogen bonding of water creates it unique characteristics important for life such as its surface tension, its heat storage capacity, and its greatest density at 4 degrees centigrade so that ice actually floats on water at 0 degrees centigrade. Read more

Fast Facts: Seven Billion and Growing: How Will the World Feed Itself?

Asia’s poor spend up to 70% of their income on food, while the rising middle class place even greater demand on food and water sources. How can the region ensure everyone has enough to eat?

1. Two-thirds of the world’s one billion hungry live in Asia and the Pacific and the region accounts for two-thirds of all underweight children.  Read more

Miracles of Water – Amazing Secrets for Health & Wellness

Cure #1: Water prevents and cures heartburn. Heartburn is a signal of water shortage in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a major thirst signal of the human body. The use of antacids or tablet medications in the treatment of this pain does not correct dehydration, and the body continues to suffer as a result of its water shortage.


Tragedy: Not recognizing heartburn as a sign of dehydration and treating it with antacids and pill medications will, in time, produce inflammation of the stomach and duodenum, hiatal hernia, ulceration, and eventually cancers in the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver and pancreas.

Cure #2: Water prevents and cures arthritis. Rheumatoid joint pain – arthritis – is a signal of water shortage in the painful joint. It can affect the young as well as the old. The use of painkillers does not cure the problem, but exposes the person to further damage from pain medications. Intake of water and small amounts of salt will cure this problem. Read more

Scientists Find Signs Water Is Flowing on Mars

The possible presence of liquid water is certain to revive speculation that Mars is teeming with microbial organisms. The recipe for life, at least as we know it, calls for liquid water, carbon-based molecules and a source for energy.

There is plenty of ice on Mars, but the chemical reactions for life come to a halt when water freezes.

High-resolution photographs taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which arrived at Mars in 2006, show fingerlike streaks up to five yards wide that appear on some steep slopes in the planet’s late spring. These streaks grow and shift through summer, reaching hundreds of yards in length before they fade in winter. One crater had about 1,000 streaks. Read more

What is Ocean Engineering?

Ocean Engineering is a multidisciplinary engineering field aimed at solving engineering problems associated with working in the ocean environment and wisely exploring and harnessing the ocean’s resources.

Ocean engineers design, build, operate and maintain ships, offshore structures and ocean technologies as diverse as aircraft carriers, submarines, sailboats, tankers, tugboats, yachts, oil rigs, underwater robots, and acoustic sonar. Read more